Small changes, big differences.

What parents in Dubai say about Triple P—


“This course has helped a lot.  We now have a better understanding of our children’s behaviour issues and how to address them.  Presentation was very good and captured our attention.”


“This course has given us a toolbox of strategies for behaviour management and helped us learn how to communicate more effectively with our child.  We are now confident that what we are doing is the right thing .”


“Triple P really helped. I realised how much I do 'right' every day (which I just wasn't giving myself credit for) and a couple of traps I had fallen into.... by tweaking a couple of things we were doing, the change has been amazing.”


“It helped me a lot to deal with my children’s problems.”


“We both really enjoyed the opportunities provided to hear about others’ parenting experiences.   The program has met our needs as a family and we’ve been able to (mostly) easily implement strategies as required and gain solid and constructive back-up and feedback from Therese.”


“It’s been very beneficial for us.  Lots of simple, easy to implement strategies.  Therese’s sense of humour and bright personality is great for this course!’


"It has helped me to see that not all the problems were my son’s behaviour, but how I dealt with them. The biggest changes came in my own behaviour."


“Triple P got us out of focusing on the bad behaviour and we noticed such a lot of good behaviour!  That makes being a parent fun.”


“Would recommend to others!  Good prompt for conversations about how you are going in the job of parenting.”


“It has reassured my wife and I that we are good parents and generally are doing things right!’


“Very enjoyable program!  It has helped me realise the importance of thinking about what I am doing as a parent.’


“A cost-effective program that helped us learn manageable strategies to teach our kids how to behave and learn the importance of working as a team.”


“Well designed and presented program.  It helped on a practical level to develop our family spirit.  We also learned that as much as we love our kids, that having rules and consistent strategies will help them develop good behaviour and grow into good people.  Thank you!’



What experts say about Triple P—


"Triple P is a great programme. To my mind, it is the best in the world at addressing the needs of the whole community. The different components are carefully tailored to the needs of a range of parents, from those who simply need to read a tip sheet, to those who require consultation with a health visitor about one or more behavioural problems, to those who need a longer, more intensive course. The content is based on best scientific practice, and is accessible and fun. Above all, it has been proven in numerous controlled trials to be highly effective."
Dr Stephen Scott
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
National Specialist Team for Parenting and Antisocial Behaviour
Maudsley Hospital, London


"Triple P was an excellent choice of parenting programme for our national demonstration project due to its strong evidence base, ability to be quickly implemented, first class resources and training, plus support and backup”
Dr Linda de Caestecker
Consultant in Public Health Medicine – Child Health, Glasgow Greater Health Board


"The program is a revolution by which ordinary families will have access to the best that the past 30 years of research on families can offer. The materials are outstanding, the program design is excellent and the science is superb. The program is the best in the world. I recommend Triple P without reservation."
Professor Patrick McGrath
School of Psychology, Psychiatry and Biomedical Engineering
Dalhousie University, Canada


"Triple P is the only research-based parenting program that provides the flexibility to adapt to the needs of families and to a variety of service settings. Level 2/3 is highly appealing to me as a paediatrician because it provides a set of tools that allow me to address common concerns of parents efficiently and effectively."
John C. Duby, M.D.
Director, Division of Developmental and Behavioural Paediatrics
Akron Children's Hospital Ohio


“Triple P offers straight forward, sensible techniques that have proven to be very effective.”

Professor Fiona Stanley AC

Telethon Institute for Child Health Research;

2003 Australian of the Year.


“My colleagues and I regard Triple P as the world standard of best practice.”

Professor Kurt Hahlweg

Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany